Thursday, August 16, 2018

Why it is OKAY to Hate Clinical!

Today I am about to write something that may be a bit controversial: that it is completely, 100%, without a doubt... OKAY to hate a clinical rotation! Hell, you may even hate multiple clinical rotations. But I am about to come to you, right now, to let you know that hating a clinical does not mean you will hate nursing.


Photo retrieved from

There is definitely a culture in nursing school, especially created by professors, that if you do not like your clinical rotation then nursing may not be the right major for you. The claim is pretty convincing. Clinical is your chance to get as close as you possibly can to what you will actually be doing as a "real life" registered nurse. So if you hate it, does that not mean you will hate being a nurse?

I remember a time during Level 1 of the nursing program, when I saw a meme about it being awful to wake up for clinical. Curious, I peeked at the comments to find that practically everyone said they were always excited to go to clinical in the morning. A few people did come out and say they personally did not like their clinicals, but their comments were attacked by others saying that they "should not be a nurse" or that they "did not take full advantage".

I kind of let this, and my professors at the time, get to me when I took my first clinical. I briefly talked about my first clinical once when I first started this blog, and I really did hate it. It was only a five day, eight hour geriatric rotation, but it felt like it went on forever. I was so excited that first day, that I arrived an hour and a half early! My purple scrubs and pearly white shoes were squeaky clean, my smile was huge, and my heart was pounding in my ears.

I remember walking in to that facility my first time, the scent of feces and old laundry immediately hitting me with a reality check. Elderly were scattered in the hallway with their wheelchairs while the staff whisked around them doing everything except pay attention. Call lights lit up the hall like Christmas while one nursing assistant did them all by herself. I thought to myself, "you just barely walked through the door. Don't judge it just yet."

I was assigned to an LPN for the day, who, like all of the other LPNs, was responsible for about twenty patients for her shift. She began loading up the cart, popping all of her patient's pills into cups all at once and walking her little cart to one side of the hall, working down. Medication administration was all very interesting at first. Except that, once she was done with morning medications, it was time for midday medications. She popped the pills for all of her patients once again, rolled her cart back down to one side of the hall and began working her way down the hall again. As soon as she was done with that, this repeated again for the afternoon medications. Not once did she do anything except chart and pass meds. She was too busy to give time to any of her patients.

The patients all seemed very depressed. Many had gaping pressure ulcers associated with their stay at the facility, likely because they were bed-bound and never turned on schedule. One wheelchair-bound woman in the hallway kept reaching out to me, moaning something I could not understand. I tried to figure out what she needed, but I still could not understand after she repeated it multiple times. My nurse groaned, "don't pay any attention to her. She always does that." Hesitant, I stepped away and went back over to where my nurse was passing out medications. I wanted to do more, but it was my first day, and I had no idea what I was allowed to do in that situation. The woman still watched me, with a look I could only describe as frustration that she could not communicate what she wanted. The woman sat in that wheelchair in front of the nurses station the entire time that I was there. I eventually told one of the other staff at the nurses station that she needed something, and the staff member simply shrugged and went on with her work. It broke my heart.

I remember getting into my car after that long first day, calling Chayton, and breaking down as I drove home. I hated how nobody cared. I hated that the nurses only ever passed medications. I hated that it took multiple washes before the smell of that facility came out of my scrubs. My experience was awful, and since that was my only experience to go off of, I began to rethink my choice in career. When my alarm clock went off at four in the morning those next four days, I absolutely dreaded getting out of bed.

Finally, towards the end of the rotation, me and many of my fellow classmates admitted that we dreaded coming to clinical. One girl even admitted that she rethought why she even wanted to be a nurse in the first place. I felt better after this conversation, to know that I was not alone. I hope, if you are reading this and are hating one of your clinicals, that you do not feel alone either.

The next semester, I took clinicals on med-surg and psych units. Although I am not super passionate about those units, and still dreaded getting up some days, I had a much better experience. I really enjoyed what I learned during those clinicals, and regained my appreciation for nursing. The next semester, I got to do OB. I was so excited to come to clinical every single day of that rotation. The day that I got to be in the Labor & Delivery unit, I got to watch multiple births and learned a ton about fetal monitoring. To be completely honest, I had tears well up in my eyes when I witnessed my first birth (I know... kind of embarrassing). I was so passionate about what I was learning in clinical. I found exactly where I wanted to be in my career.

In high school, I loved science and english, but I absolutely hated math. Each clinical focuses on a different subject matter, so why is that any different? The answer is that it is not different at all. You do not have to love every single clinical rotation to love nursing, because you are most likely not going to work in every single unit as a nurse. Everyone is different, which is why there are so many different specialities!

Another point is that there are so many factors that could influence your experience in clinical: the facility, your preceptor, your nurses, the other staff, the patients... The list goes on. Perhaps I would actually like Geriatrics, but the facility that I went to gave it a bad rep. If you hate a clinical, wait it out and see how the next one goes. If it is just as bad, then ask yourself: what makes it bad? If you really do not like any of your clinicals, then maybe you can rethink things a bit. But if it is simply the staff or your preceptor causing a bad experience, that does not necessarily mean that nursing is going to be a bad experience for you.

I have not yet experienced "real life" nursing, so I cannot speak on that. But I can say that just because you hate a clinical, does not mean you won't find the one that you are passionate about. Nursing school is all about learning, and that includes learning about what interests you (and what doesn't)!


I hope that this post helps to demystify the "you must love all clinicals" culture in nursing school. I also hope that, if you are struggling to see past a clinical, that this shows you that you are not alone.

I've noticed a bit of a trend in my blog posts: that I kind of focus on the negative parts of nursing school more than the positive. I am sorry if this makes nursing seem, for lack of a better word, crappy to you. That is not my intention. The thing is, I feel there is a lot to learn from the negative experiences that I have had in school. There are tons of posts about how awesome nursing is, but you never see the ones about the struggles or the negativities.

I have grown a lot from the negative happenings from nursing school, and I want to be able to look back on this blog and remember the lessons I learned from those experiences. I do not want to be one of those peoples that forgets my bad clinical experiences, and then posts about how I "loved all of my clinicals" on a facebook meme.

Let me and the others reading this know in the comments which clinicals you hated and which ones you loved! Please hit the like button or share if you feel this post spoke to you, and subscribe if you want notifications of any of my future posts! I have lots of ideas (just not a lot of time). 😉 💜

Friday, June 15, 2018

The Dreaded HESI Entrance Exam

If you are a Freshman or Sophomore in pre-nursing, you may have already heard about the HESI entrance exam to get into the nursing program for Junior and Senior year. You may have heard about how nerve-wracking it is, and sadly it is true. All of your hard work leads up to this test. If you pass, you get a chance at nursing! If you fail, you may have to reevaluate your major. It's scary! So without further ado, here are some tips for new nursing students taking the HESI A2 Entrance exam.


How the HESI A2 Entrance Exam Works

The HESI A2 Entrance Exam is a computerized exam that is meant to test your knowledge based on pre-requisite classes you should have taken. Did you learn everything you needed to know for the exam in class? Probably not. But that is why you must take it upon yourself to study apart from your classes specifically for this exam.

The exam is split up into sections by subject, and every school has different subject requirements. For GCU, you will take 5 tests: reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, math, and anatomy and physiology. Some colleges require physics and chemistry, but it is important to check with the school. You can take as long as you need on each section, and can take a break at any time, but the test as a whole is timed at 5 hours. So if you take too long on one section, you could risk not finishing another section. However, I took my sweet time and still finished with 2-3 hours to spare. 

Most colleges do not require an overall score, but certain scores for each subject. GCU's minimum requirements for entrance scores per section are 80% in reading, grammar, vocabulary, and math; anatomy and physiology is a 75% (GCU, 2018).

Depending on your college's requirements, there is a maximum number of attempts for the exam. For GCU, you may only take it twice per application period and a total of four times in two application periods. Meaning, you can only test and apply for the program twice before being forced to choose a different major or school. I am not sure if all colleges do this, but GCU takes your best overall attempt for the application if you were to take the exam twice. So if you failed a section, or you just feel like you can get a better score, taking the test a second time is an option!

The most current HESI Admission exam review guide. I used the edition 3 when studying.
Image retrieved from

Invest in a Study Guide & Textbook!

Think of it this way: by the time you get to the HESI Entrance exam, you would have spent thousands of dollars on your education thus far. What is a couple extra bucks to make sure you pass? I know it's not fun to buy books that are not required, but SERIOUSLY. Investing in a good study guide is a must for this exam, especially if you are like me and have not taken a math or english class since high school!

Above is a photo of the most recent HESI Admissions Assessment Review Guide. I used this brand in the edition 3 when I took my exam and it worked WONDERS. Elsevier is the company that creates the HESI exams, so obviously they are probably the best bet in terms of review guides. The math, english, vocabulary, and grammar portions of the edition 3 study guide were phenomenal! So much so, that everything that was on the test was in this guide. The only downside is that the anatomy and physiology section, although a good overview, was not nearly detailed enough to help me pass (more on that later).

For the anatomy and physiology section, I strongly suggest going through a textbook cover-to-cover to make notes and illustrations, if time permits. If you don't have enough time to read through the entire textbook, just read the chapter summaries and answer the review questions. I know, I know! You are probably like, "But Jenna, I just took anatomy and physiology. Why do I need to read through an entire boring textbook of what I already learned?" Just trust me. It doesn't hurt to read the textbook again if your future is depending on it. If you still have your anatomy and physiology textbook from your pre-requisite class, then use that. Otherwise, just head over to Goodwill and buy the most recent edition possible for a couple of bucks. Don't worry if it is a bit outdated! The information taught in A&P has hardly changed over the years. An outdated textbook may have some newer findings missing, but the information it does contain should all still be correct. The textbook I got from Goodwill was from 1996 (that is older than me), and it still worked like a charm.

For Anatomy and Physiology, I went through major topics, such as the cranial nerves, and drew illustrations (see below). You do not have to be an artist to draw yourself diagrams! Drawing things out, at least for me, helps solidify the concept that I am learning. When I take an exam, I visualize my drawing in my head and it helps to narrow things down.

Regardless, you do you! What works for me may not work for you, because everyone has a different learning style. Let me know in the comments what worked best for you!

This was my family's dining room table the day before my second attempt at the HESI exam.

"Failure" Does Not Equal Failure!

Okay, if you haven't noticed a pattern in my articles yet, nursing school is chock FULL of "failure"!!! I have "failed" SO many times, but you know what? I am still a damn good nurse! I used to not be able to say that, but one must look at "failure" more as a need for improvement than as a reason to quit. "Failing" an exam does not mean that you are a failure. It just shows you where your weak spots are. If you evaluate yourself and your study methods after receiving a bad grade, you can improve and come back stronger than before!

Anyway, my point is that you may "fail" your HESI Entrance exam, and that is perfectly okay. Believe it or not, I "failed" it my first time as well, and I was destroyed. I got 90s and up on all of the sections... except A&P. The study guide I used seemed so easy for that section, that I thought for sure the questions would be simple. I can't discuss what the questions consisted of, but I can say that they were WAY more detailed than I thought they would be! I got a 62%!

The reason that I am writing this for you now, as a Level 4 nursing student, is because I did end up passing. Once I walked out of that exam, I was really upset. But like I said before, GCU gives you a second chance per application period. I knew that I had to kick it into gear, so I signed up for the next exam and forced myself to spend the next week solely devoted to studying for A&P. My family's dining room table was FULL of illustrations, textbooks, and study guides for the whole week.

One thing that I strongly suggest you do after the exam, is log on to your Elsevier account and look at your results. It will actually show you exactly what sections you got wrong and, get this, provide you a detailed study guide for those sections. The study guide is extremely helpful, because you will most likely get similar questions the second time around to test your improvement.

What to do Before the Exam

This may have been drilled through your head time and time again, but there is no hurt in saying it again. The day before the exam, make sure to do something relaxing for a few hours and get a good night's rest (at least nine hours). I call bullcrap on the whole "don't study the day before the exam" thing. I like to study the day before, but I do not study for as long as the days before that.

It is, however, very important that you don't overload your brain the day of. I still to this day struggle with fighting the urge to pull out my notes and study up until the test starts. If you absolutely have to out of nervousness, pull out something simple to memorize, like vocabulary or metric conversions. Do not try to learn a physiology concept before the exam, because it will not stick in your short-term memory.

If you have not taken nutrition or you do not quite understand it, eating is very important to your exam performance! The day before the exam, it is especially important to eat a balanced diet. The day of, make sure to eat a healthy breakfast full of foods good for your brain. My go-to exam food is overnight oats or a yogurt parfait. Never ever drink coffee or anything else caffeinated before an exam, no matter how tired you may be. It may help you get that boost of alertness at first, but you will be extra nervous during the exam and may even crash during it. Instead, go for an apple or orange with cold water to get you alert.


I hope that this information was helpful to you in preparing for the HESI Entrance exam. Let me know in the comments what worked for you when you took the HESI Entrance exam! I would love to hear from you. Hit the like button if this was helpful and subscribe to my blog for notifications on future posts. 💜



Grand Canyon University. (2018). College of nursing and health care professions. Retrieved from

Friday, March 2, 2018

Things They Don't Tell You About Nursing School

I started working on this article in Level I. The funny thing is, my professor this semester brought up that there should be a book that says "things they don't tell you about nursing school". I figured maybe it was time to finish this article.

Yes. It is true. Colleges, like any other business, try to keep their good side in the light and cover up the not-so-pretty parts. The big problem with that is college is nothing like going to the dealership to buy a car. This is your education, not a product, and is (more often than not) more expensive than a car. Education should be treated more transparent and, sadly, it is not.

Below is a list of things that I, personally, would have wanted to know about Grand Canyon University's Nursing Program before I signed up to devote my life to this. This list is not meant to scare you away from nursing or GCU. Nursing is an incredibly rewarding experience, and I would not change my decisions or choice in school, despite the problems I face. However, I really wish recruiters would be more honest and open about the financial, mental, and emotional requirements nursing school brings. Some of these things only apply to GCU. However, GCU is not the only one that leaves out the bad to rope in students. From what I hear from nursing friends at other colleges, the majority of these things happen everywhere. 


A Freshman, I mean, Baby Nursing Student...
Photo Retrieved from

If You Are A Freshman, You Are Not In The Nursing Program

I remember how stupid I felt when I was a Freshman and told a Senior nursing student I was in the nursing program. I feel even stupider now that I am here! My roommate and I had gone to a club fair and walked up to the Student Nurses Association table. A Level 4 nursing student asked us if we were in the nursing program. I smiled from ear to ear like a dang nitwit and said, "yes, we are!" She then asked us what level we were in. To which I replied in confusion, "uuuuuh... We are Freshmen level!" The girl looked a mix of annoyed and amused as she explained that we are not actually in the nursing program. Save yourself the embarrassment!

A Bachelor of Science in Nursing is set up like a medical doctor program, except with half of the time. You have two years of prerequisites and two years of clinical/nursing curriculum. While you take prerequisites during your Freshman and Sophomore years, you are actually doing pre-nursing. During your Sophomore year, you will apply for the actual nursing program (which includes doing your HESI Entrance exam, Fingerprint clearance card, and any other requirements your school may have). The nursing program is your Junior and Senior year, split up into 4 levels or semesters.

You May Not Get In

This may not make too much sense, given that there is an ever-increasing shortage of nurses, but it is true: You may not get into the nursing program. Nursing school is highly competitive! According to the National League of Nursing, 64% of nursing programs turn away qualifying applicants from their program! On average, 36% of qualified applications are rejected by nursing schools around the country (NLN, 2014). That means that, after two years of hard work and money spent in pre-requisites, 36% of people who met all of the requirements, were still turned away from the program!

GCU puts students into three tiers: those who have both a high GPA and HESI scores, those who have either a high GPA or high HESI scores, and those who are transfer students or who have a low (but qualifying) GPA and HESI scores. When I applied, only a handful of tier two students made the ranks. Out of nearly a thousand applicants, only about a hundred made it into that semester's program.

Kiss Your Social Life Goodbye

Okay, so if you have/had nursing friends or family while in high school, you may have known that nursing school is mentally and emotionally draining. I, for one, was not that lucky. I knew that nursing school required a high GPA, but I had no idea that it would consume my life like it has. If you are looking for the traditional "college experience", then nursing is probably not right for you. I have gone to all of two basketball games, two dances, and a few free-food events in my entire college career. I set aside an average of 60-80 hours studying for each exam, not including class time. You will have labs, didactics, and clinicals dispersed in the most inconvenient manner. If you have to have a job, like me, then that takes up the rest of your "free time". Look at it this way: med school is 4 years of prerequisites and 4 years of the medical program. Nursing is basically med school, except shoved into 2 years of prerequisites and 2 years of the program. Every nursing student that is asked "what do you do in your freetime?" will likely not know what to say other than "study". I wish I could say that I joked about my life being "wake up, study, sleep, repeat", but that would be a hard lie.

Photo retrieved from

You Will Marry Nursing School

Running along the same lines of not having a social life, you will have to form relationships with people that truly understand how busy you are. My Psych professor said last year, "if your boyfriend or girlfriend sticks with you through nursing school, marry them." Other professors have even urged us not to get into a romantic relationship in nursing school, because of how difficult it is. Nursing school will and must always be number one in your life. It is hard for a significant other to feel like they are not your sun, but nursing school has to be if you are going to get through it. Personally, Chayton and I hang out quite a bit, but about 90% of the time that we spend together during the school year consists of me simply sitting next to him and staring at a textbook rather than at him. It helps when you can be study buddies together, because you can still spend time with each other while focusing on your futures. The biggest reward of being in a relationship in nursing school is that the memories you make when you get a vacation break (without homework) are cherished so much more.

The same amount of understanding is needed for relationships with friends and family. It is really hard to make friends that are not nursing students, because most people do not understand how different nursing is from other majors. Whether you are just starting college or the program, you should really sit down with those good friends in your life and talk about how different life is going to be. As long as they understand that you will have to be a friend from afar, then that is perfect. The same goes with family. They might have been used to seeing you every single day, weekend, or holiday (depending on your college living situation), but their time socializing with you will be chopped in half if not more.

"Additional Fees May Apply"

I am looking at you, GCU. They have long since deleted this off of their website and instead provided NO information on how much the nursing program will actually cost you. But, I do still have the budget sheet saved to me email, so please enjoy this wonderful comparison of what I was told nursing would cost and what it actually costs.

Anticipated Nursing Program Costs*
Drug Screen- $40.00-$45.00
Immunizations & Titers- Varies
Health Insurance-Varies
CPR Certification- $20-$40
Nursing Premium- $800 per semester
Textbooks- Varies
*additional fees may apply

Wow. Not bad, right? This is what the list should have looked like.

ACTUAL Anticipated Nursing Program Costs
Drug screen- $50
Fingerprint Clearance Card- $50
Immunizations & Titers- $100+
Health Insurance- We will accept your health insurance, but not tell you that until after we charge you $2000 for ours. (Better keep track of your invoices, haha!)
CPR Certification- $40-$80
Nursing Premium- $800 that increase by $100 every year. We won't disclose what this even pays for.
Textbook bundle- $1000... for one semester. We will drill it into your head that the bundle is the only way to get the necessary materials, but you could pay half this price by buying used or renting.
Access Cards/Books not in Bundle- $90-140 each, 1-3 times per semester
Clinical Placements- $50 per semester
Scrubs- $180 for two pairs
Supplies- $80+
Miscellaneous: $100-300 per semester for random stuff at random intervals, because we know you have that kind of money stashed with you ramen.

I sincerely wish I made these things up, but I am not that creative. Make sure when you are budgeting for the nursing program that you budget about $2000-$3000 over what you think you might need. You should not have to worry about making ends meet when you are trying to learn. Shame on GCU for not caring about those who financially need to know how much to save.

You are Held at Different Standards

Nursing students across the nation are held at a higher standard academically than any other major. Course are already more rigorous than most majors, but to add on top of that, nursing majors usually have their own grading scale and requirements. A lot of people have no idea about the grading requirements until they are sitting in their first class like deer in the headlights.

At GCU, specifically, you must maintain a 76% exam average. It does not matter if you got an A in the course, if you get a 75.99%, then you fail. On top of failing the didactic section, you also fail the clinical and lab sections as well, even if you passed them. I am not talking "oh, you failed, but your GPA won't change" kind of fail. I am talking straight up "F your GPA" kind of fail.

At GCU, if you fail a course, you must reapply for the program, and it is not guaranteed that you will be accepted. You may lose out on the money you spent to get to that point, may have to start over as a Sophomore in a different major, lose any student worker positions you may have had, lose honors, get put on academic probation, get denied on-campus housing, and end up having to pay on your student loans if you are out of school longer than 6 months. Another thing some do not often consider is that financial aid is capped off at a certain number of semesters. For example, you may only receive the Pell Grant for 12 semesters (FAFSA, 2018). If you choose to take a minor for one or two semesters while you wait to get re-accepted, you are using up federal aid that could be used towards your graduate degree. Meaning, the one or two semesters you get aid for a minor are one or two semesters that you have to pay cash for your Masters!

On top of this, you are held at a different grading scale standard than other students. At GCU, other students must have a 92% or higher to get an A in the class. For nursing students, you must get a 95% or higher. Getting between a 90-92% is a B+, and will award you a GPA of 3.3! Believe it or not, I was actually not aware of part of this until last semester (Level II of the program)! Even though nursing students are held at higher standards than other students, they are still required to hold the same GPA for clubs or organizations, like Honors societies. Personally, I have to maintain a 3.5 GPA to stay in the Honors College, which means I have to get at least a 93% in all of my courses to maintain it at that level.

Deadlines are Deceiving

If there is one thing that I have learned from nursing school, it is how to be organized. You will want to invest in a good planner and learn how to use it effectively, because deadlines are nothing like prerequisites in the program. You will have one class that has participation points due every other weekend, but then three major assignments on Sunday, and then an exam on Friday, but then you have lab on Friday too, and your worksheet is due the same day.... but only one assignment shows up as due on your online portal. Make sure you organize what you can in the beginning of the semester as soon as you get your syllabus, and then write down every single deadline your professors give you. Otherwise, you may never hear when that exam was and you may just walk in without ever opening the book!

How I will feel when I am done with this!
Photo Retrieved from

Your Life will be Spent Reading

Before I started Level I of the nursing program, I pretty much only opened my textbook so I could reference it in a paper. Now, I could not imagine being able to survive without reading every page of the assigned reading. Every waking moment that is not spent writing a paper or in class will, without a doubt, be spent reading. If you are thinking right now, "surely the exam won't cover all 483 pages of the assigned reading", then you are sadly mistaken. Exams are so intricately woven that you will need to have a full knowledge of the assessment, diagnosis, plan, interventions, and evaluation of every single disorder or technique mentioned. Besides, who wants to be the person who spends hundreds of dollars on textbooks that they never utilize?

You May Have to Teach Yourself

Sadly, this has happened to me multiple times in the nursing program, as I am sure it happens in other majors as well. There will always be those professors who either do not have a firm grasp on the concepts or are just not skilled at educating. In times like these, you tend to have to go the extra mile outside of class to teach yourself the concepts. Switching professors or attending a different professor's class is pretty much impossible in the Nursing Program, because of how strict the rules are and how few nurse educators there are.

Photo retrieved from

You Will Cry, and That's OKAY.

This is a big one for me. I really hate crying, especially in front of people. But, to be completely honest, I cannot count how many times I have cried because of nursing school this academic year. There is no doubt that the nursing program is one of the most strenuous majors mentally, physically, and emotionally. One study at a public university found that 51% of nursing students in a BSN program reported signs of depression and 60% reported mild to severe anxiety (Rathnayake & Ekanayaka, 2016). The fact of the matter is that you are or will not be alone. Many people have or are going through the same program you are, and understand how you feel. 

Please reach out to someone or use a resource if you start to feel depressed or overly anxious. If your depression or anxiety becomes serious or debilitating, please go further and reach out to a professional or a solid support system. Two 24-hour hotlines to call are below for your reference.

National Alliance of Mental Illness Helpline: 1-800-950-6264

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255


I hope that this list does not cause you too much anxiety as you embark on this quest to begin an awesome career. Even though nursing school is draining in many ways, I would not change my major for the world.

Please like, comment, or share! I would love to hear your feedback. 💜



FAFSA. (2018). Federal Pell Grants. Retrieved from

National League of Nursing. (2014). Admission to Nursing Programs. Retrieved from

Rathnayake, S. & Ekanayaka, J. (2016). Depression, anxiety, and stress among undergraduate nursing students in a public university, International Journal of Caring Sciences, 9(3), pg. 1020-1032. Retrieved from