Tuesday, December 6, 2016

That Time I *Almost* Missed My A&P Final!

Winter finals are just around the corner. If you are anything like me, these next few weeks will be filled with sleep deprivation, a billion cups of coffee, and notes scattered around your desk. I decided that instead of overloading brains with more information, I would tell you a funny experience about one of my finals last semester.

It was the Spring 2016 semester when I had Anatomy and Physiology II. Finals week was in full swing and my brain was running only on three cups of coffee. Right before the class, I got together with one of my good friends for lunch. We put in some last minute study time for about an hour before heading to our class. Normally, I went in through the east side of the building, but I followed my friend through the west side this time. She went off to the bathroom and told me that she would meet me in class, so I went on.... I had my review guide written on my phone, so I was studying as I walked down the hall to the class. I let muscle memory kick in and I went in to the first class on the right as I usually do. I went to my seat, memorizing the types of hormones released by the anterior pituitary gland. After a while, I looked up to see two students putting a makeshift straw-candle in a cookie they got from the student union. A guy walked up and they whisper-shouted "Happy Birthday!! We can't light it, obviously, but make a wish!" They all laughed. That is about the time that I realized that there were three more minute left until the exam and my friend was still nowhere to be found. I just ignored it and went back to my studies. 

When I looked back up, it was five minute in to the class. That was weird. I took a deep breath and slipped my phone into my backpack. My professor was still not there. In fact, neither my professor or my Teacher's Assistant was there. The new professor started passing out the tests and I shrugged. Maybe my professor was sick and my Teacher's Assistant was out too? I took a second to close my eyes and take three deep breaths. When I opened them, I looked down at the test that was put in front of me. What the heck was this?! I did not recognize a single thing on this test! I looked around at the others in a panic.

That is when it hit me.

I did not recognize a single person in this class. The Teacher's Assistant was not the same. My professor was not the same. I turned to the girl next to me to ask which class this was.

"Uhh. Biochemistry?"

Without saying a word, I grabbed my bag and ran down the steps and out the door, in front of two hundred or more students staring at me. I had gone to the first door on the right like I usually do, yes, but I went in on the other side of the building! At this point, twenty minutes of my class had passed already. I burst into the room and all of my classmates stared at me at once. But I did not care. I ran to my professor and dropped my bag on the floor. I started to explain, but he just held his hand up. "It's fine. Just be more quiet." I snatched the test from his hands and ran to my seat.

I had twenty more minutes left to take this forty question final. Yet, by some miracle of God, I finished with two minutes to spare. It took everything in me to hold back the laughter until I handed in the test. After the TA walked away from me with my exam, I just started busting up laughing. Now, we get a zero if we look anywhere but down at your test or up at the ceiling. So I just started looking straight up at the ceiling, laughing and crying to myself like a frickin' maniac, because I just walked into the wrong class and did not realize it for a whole twenty minutes on finals day...

Luckily, and I am not sure how, I got a 92% on that exam. The moral of the story is this: do not be frightened these next few weeks as you go into these finals! You definitely cannot screw up as much as I did last semester.

Good luck, everyone!


Do you have any funny finals and test stories? What else can I do to make your college life less stressful? Let me know in the comments! Also, as of next week, I will be switching to bi-weekly posts. :) Have a wonderful day! 💜

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